Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary meeting notes – January 2020
The January 2020 Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary meeting was held in the meeting room at J J’s Restaurant with the following members present: Alice Glover, Cleta Englehardt, Diana Flory, LaVerle Kelley, Madonna Pollreis, Loretta Seibel, Linda Trosper, Doris Lessenden and Tanya Lane.
An appreciation card was read from former member, Barbara Diel, who lives in Denver.
Loretta Seibel gave a detailed report of expenditures of the Auxiliary in regard to the Fall Bazaar and bills. Linda Trosper verified the addition of funds, making the profit over $900.00.
Mrs. Trosper recruits ladies to lend the quilts for a month to be on display each month in the residents dining room. The January quilt is a patriotic design crafted by Mandy Weirich Adamson. Linda has some ideas for us to share on Valentine’s Day. She drove in at night to help with the December Bingo playing. January is the traditional Auxiliary Bingo Night, when members bring envelopes of one dollar or more, which is a real treat to the residents since they usually get a quarter when they get a bingo. Thus Alice, Diana, Madonna, Loretta, Doris, and Robin Musgrave went to help the residents watch their two or three cards. It was a fun evening, topped with Little Debbie’s cakes and a meat and cheese platter and lemonade for refreshments.
The hospital staff has decided to not have the Valentines dinner because of lack of space, and fairness to family members. So, this year, the new idea is to have a prom for the residents and families with dress-up clothes, flowers, music, and entertaining activities in the spring.
The ladies were glad to have Bob Woods come to their meeting. He brought envelopes of a lot of donations to add to the many envelopes that were sent to the hospital for the Auxiliary. We told him some of the projects such money has helped to buy to make life of residents in the Extended Care Unit more pleasant. Renee Woods’ gold plate will soon be engraved to the glass memorial box in the Weisbrod Hospital entry way. Our custom is when family and friends give at least $100 for a person, we have a gold plate engraved for them.
The next meeting will be February 11 at 11:00 a.m. at JJ’s Restaurant. Men and women are welcome to be active or inactive members. Dues are $5 or $10.