UPDATED Fire Weather Predicted for Thursday

UPDATE: The Fire Weather Watch has been upgraded to a Red Flag Warning from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. this evening. All outdoor burning is strongly discouraged. Expect wind gusts to 50 miles per hour, humidity as low as seven percent, and temperatures in the upper 70s.


Original Article:

The National Weather Service has issued a Fire Weather Watch for Thursday (February 18, 2016) morning through Thursday afternoon for much of southeast Colorado.


About Town

By Doris Lessenden


 “Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad and a soul that never loses faith in God.  Shared by Barbie Stavely.

   A Mardi Gras pot luck supper was enjoyed last Tuesday at the Prairie Pines by residents and guests.  Chef Cristina prepared a traditional shrimp –potato –corn-a- cob broil entrée.  Last week the Lenten Season began, the six weeks before Resurrection Sunday (Easter).


Obituary - Lois Charlotta McCracken

Lois Charlotta Reinert McCracken was born April 3, 1928, to Andrew Caleb & Fern Muriel Frost Reinert on the family homestead between Towner and Holly in Colorado. 

She was the oldest of four children with 2 younger brothers, Earl Raymond and Elden August, and a younger sister, Weltha Fern.  Lois was named after her Grandmother Charlotte Reinert. 


East End Events

By Sharon Scott

Freda Schmidt went to Tribune last week to watch her granddaughter Abby Berggren play basketball.

Saturday evening, Feb. 6th, supper guests of Larry and Judy Tuttle

were: Burl and Cathy Scherler, Freda Schmidt and Leonard and Dorothy Seaman.

Last Tuesday, Cora Coffman and Susan Greenfield traveled to Cheyenne Wells to watch the basketball game between the Cheyenne Wells Tigers and the Granada Bobcats. Ryan Koeller from Plainview plays with the Granada team. Cheyenne Wells won both, the girls and boys games.


LCC to Host College Goal Sunday

 Lamar Community College will serve as a host site for College Goal Sunday on February 21, 2016. College Goal Sunday is a statewide initiative to assist potential students in filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  The FAFSA is a federal requirement for all students who plan to receive grants, scholarships, student loans or work-study funds to assist in paying for college.  Through College Goal Sunday, students are able to receive necessary help in filling out the FAFSA – free of charge. 


Supreme Court Justice Scalia Dead at 79

Associate Justice Antonin Scalia of the United States Supreme Court was found dead at the Cibolo Creek Ranch near Shafter, Texas, over the weekend.

Justice Scalia passed away in his sleep, apparently of natural causes, during the night of February 12-13, 2016. He was 79, and had served on the Supreme Court for nearly 30 years.

He had earned a reputation for staunch conservative views and strict interpretation of the United States Constitution.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., issues a brief statement regarding Justice Scalia’s death.

Kiowa County Transportation Committee Forming

The Kiowa County Commissioners are forming a Transportation Advisory Committee that will include the Commissioners, the Road & Bridge Foremen and two citizen members from each district.

This Committee will assist in the planning, development and support for all aspects of the County road & bridge system, State and Federal Highway issues, and rail transportation.  It will help research the Counties transportation issues and advise the Board of Commissioners as to actions or solutions that will benefit Kiowa County.


Home Country

Slim Randles

 Steve reached up and put his cup of coffee on the floor of the turret in his cabin, then climbed the ladder until both he and the coffee were comfortable, looking out at the world.

The only people who didn’t understand why he built a turret on his little cabin up here high on the mountain were folks who hadn’t seen it. Once you actually sat in the chair, looked out the window at the weather and the world, there was no doubt.

You instantly thought, “I have to get one of these.”


Schleining Genetics Returns to LCC for Cattle AI Seminar

Schleining Genetics will return to Lamar Community College in March for its popular artificial insemination (AI) course: Artificial Insemination Management.  This is an intensive two credit, four-day class taught by Dallas Schleining.  It is designed for individuals who have little to no experience with bovine reproduction as well as those who have taken an AI course in the past. 

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