Gardner, Bennet Announce Open House Events

Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Michael Bennet (D-CO) announced Gardner’s Colorado offices will host Open House events for Coloradans to learn more about the Colorado Capital Conference in Washington. Senators Gardner and Bennet host the Colorado Capital Conference, in partnership with Colorado Mesa University and University of Colorado, to provide an opportunity for Coloradans to travel to Washington, D.C. and hear from elected officials, journalists, and academics to gain a better understanding of how our government operates.


Public Notice - SE Colorado Water Conservancy District



The Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District gives notice that applications for appointment of Directors of the Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District will be accepted by the Court which appoints the Directors of the Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District, from now until March 22, 2016, which is 30 days prior to April 21, 2016, the expiration date of five of the present Directors’ terms.


Home Country

By Slim Randles

Billy slowly raised one eyelid and looked around. Boots and Desdemona, Aunt Ada’s cats, were curled up, one against his belly and one against his back. Billy hated to wake the cats, but when a guy has to go find a tree, well, call it collateral damage. He got up, stretched and yawned and trotted out to the kitchen. Aunt Ada greeted him with ear rumples and a bowl of kibble, and then opened the door so he could go to work.

Being the official town dog isn’t always the easiest job, Billy thought. I mean, not if you take it seriously.


A Day in the Life

By Michelle Wyckoff

    Pitch Slapped!  I’m sure everyone but me has seen this program on the Lifetime network, which I never see at my house.  However, I did happen to see a full season of it last week when I was in Pueblo.  I rarely stay the whole week, but last week two of my “grands”, as Betsy calls them, were sick at the same time, so we spent most of one day watching TV.


Eads Knowledge Bowl Team Heads to State

The regional knowledge bowl competition was held at Lamar Community College on February 10.  Teams from 24 schools scattered across Southeastern Colorado competed in the state-qualifying event.  Six 2A schools and 18 1A schools were represented at the meet.

The competition was fierce, and a mere five points separated the third through eighth place teams in the 1A division, while there was a four-point spread between the second and fourth place 2A teams.  The top six 1A and top two 2A schools qualified for the state tournament.


East End Events

BY Sharon Scott

Can you believe this weather? Don't ever remember it being this hot in the middle of February. I'm all for Spring getting here, but this is too early for plants, crops and trees.

Ruth Fees and Susan Greenfield went to Pueblo last Saturday to watch the Regional Wrestling Tournament. Congratulations to all the Eads wrestlers at Regionals on qualifying for the State Tournament, which will be in Denver this weekend.

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