Child Development Screenings in Eads

Free Developmental Screenings for chidren 0 though 5

Do you have concerns or questions about:

*How your child is developing?

*How your child sees or hears?

*How your child plays with other children?

*How your child moves his/her body and /or uses his/her hands for daily tasks?

*How your child reacts to difficult situations or transitions


*Do you just want to know if your child is reaching developmental milestones age appropriately?


USDA Update

By the Eads USDA Service Center


•    CRP General signup - deadline for offers -  Feb. 26, 2016 - 
•    Dec. 7, 2015 – Aug. 1, 2016 -  2016 ARC-PLC Enrollment
•    March 15 – NAP application closing Date for spring seeded forage crops
•    March 15 – July 15th - Primary Nesting Season for CRP.  No practice or management activity allowed. 


Thank You - Irma Krehbiel

Thank you

We would like to give a great big shout out to Teri Simmons and thank you ever so much to the Weisbrod ECU staff. 

Irma Krehbiel was so blessed to celebrate her 96th birthday with all your help. The decorations and cherry pie with ice cream were just the right thing to put a big smile on her face. 

She was touched by the outpouring of love and cards she received from Eads community, friends and family. Thank you also to the friends who ventured out into the snow to attend the festivities. 

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