About Town

By Doris Lessenden

Did you know: Sleeping without a pillow reduces back pain and keeps your spine stronger?   Did you know?  A person’s height is determined by their father?  Shared by J.T. Jacobs


High Fire Danger Tuesday Across Southern Colorado

The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for Tuesday (April 5, 2016) from 12:00 to 8:00 p.m. for much of southern Colorado including Kiowa County to due high fire danger. The warning replaces the Fire Weather Watch that was previously in effect.

In addition to Kiowa County, all or large portions of Fremont, El Paso, Pueblo, Huerfano, Las Animas, Crowley, Otero, Bent, Prowers and Baca Counties are under the warning. The San Luis Valley and neighboring counties in Oklahoma and New Mexico are also included.


East End Events

By Sharon Scott

Guests of Denis and Theresa Weber over Easter weekend were: Connie Weber; Jerry and Quinton Weber and Quinton's friend, Madi Craig; Kathy and Lexi Knutson and their two exchange students, Bolin Chen from China and Kazauk Momura from Japan; Nicole, Jessica and Courtney Cochran; Ben Costello; Dalton Mercure and Ronnie, Emma and Zach Weber.  The exchange students had never experienced an Easter egg hunt and they really enjoyed it


A Day in the Life

By Michelle Wyckoff

Snooze Buttons.  One of my favorite things in life.  I always set the alarm on my phone for 30 minutes before I actually want to get up.  I gave up on alarm clocks long ago.  I’m technologically challenged. When my phone goes off, I set it for 30 minutes later, then go back to sleep for another half hour.

That sounds much longer than going back to sleep for  “another 30 minutes”.  I am a master at cheating the clock.  

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