Parenting Your Grandchildren

By Connie Brase, MA

Most of us are ready to be grandparents whenever those darling little grand-babies come along. We’ve raised our kids--worried about them, provided for them, disciplined them, and watched them grow from babyhood to adulthood.

Some of us grandparents get into a situation where we must become the parents to the little ones, instead of the grandparents. This affects our lives in many ways: emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially.


Photo of the Week

One of our most popular features from the past 15 years - a full-page color photo on the front of the Kiowa County Press showing various impressions of life in Kiowa County. While a limited number of copies continue to be printed and distributed each week at Kiowa Healthmart, COOP C-Store in Eads, Haswell Propane, and Thunderbird Petroleum, we wanted to bring this feature to our online readers as well.

Shown below - the front page of the May 13, 2016, Kiowa County Press - Sunrise over Eads. Photo by Jeanne Sorensen.


Earthquake Near Four-Corners Area

By Chris Sorensen

University of Utah seismograph stations recorded a magnitude 2.8 earthquake 60 miles south of Durango Friday morning (May 13, 2016).

The quake was recorded at 7:23 a.m. and located 12 miles northwest of Shiprock, New Mexico, just across the southern border of Colorado.

The area is part of the Colorado Plateau in an area where earthquakes are generally small – in the magnitude 2-4 range.

No reports of damage were available.


Weekend Weather Outlook - Cooler, Rain Possible

By Chris Sorensen

Friday will wrap up the work week with warm and dry conditions that will be replaced with cooler temperatures and the potential for rain over the weekend.

The high temperature Friday will be in the upper 70s before falling to the low 40s overnight. Northwest winds in the 10 to 15 mile per hour range will shift to the east later in the day.

Saturday leads off a cooling trend for daytime highs. Expect lower 60s - below seasonal averages - through the weekend into the early part of the coming week, with Tuesday potentially reaching only the upper 50s.


Pages from the Past - From our 129 year archive

Pages From the Past


15 Years Ago

May 18, 2001

George Ellicott was honored by Colorado State University at two recognition events held at CSU campus in Fort Collins. One on his 40 years of service to CSU and the other as a recent retiree of CSU.


25 Years Ago

May 16, 1991

Plainview High: Five Seniors were officially graduated and sent off into the world Friday night at the annual commencement exercise.



Public Notice - Assessor

Public Notice

Colorado law requires the county assessor to hear objections to real property classifications and valuations beginning no later than May, 2016. Objections to the valuation or classification of real property must be postmarked, delivered, or presented in person to the county assessor’s office no later than June 1, 2016.

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