Weekend Weather Outlook

By Chris Sorensen

Spring has sprung in Kiowa County, with warmer temperatures and chances of thunderstorms making their annual appearance.

Saturday starts off windy, with afternoon south winds 25-30 miles per hour and gusts to 40 mph. Temperatures will be in the low 80s, falling to the low 40s overnight. There is a slight chance of isolated showers earlier in the day.

Sunday’s high will be around 75, with a 20 percent chance of thunderstorms that will continue into the evening. The overnight low will be near 40.


Photo of the Week

One of our most popular features from the past 15 years - a full-page color photo on the front of the Kiowa County Press showing various impressions of life in Kiowa County. While a limited number of copies continue to be printed and distributed each week at Kiowa Healthmart, COOP C-Store in Eads, Haswell Propane, and Thunderbird Petroleum, we wanted to bring this feature to our online readers as well.

Shown below - the front page of the May 6, 2016, Kiowa County Press - Butterfly returning to feast on nectar from spring flowers. Photo by Chris Sorensen.


Birthdays and Anniversaries



May 9


Melanie Walther

Tyrel Reed

Roger Eder

Kristopher Bustos

Stephen Lening

Regan Weisdorfer

Dominique Miller

Jaxson Specht


May 10


Austin Jensen

Leah Beth Fischer

Shanelll Eder

Blakely Tate

Silas Asher Keeling

Kyle Phelps

Sidney Hines


May 11


Ky Davis

Adrian Torres

Brittany McKnight

Ronald Ferris

About Town

By Doris Lessenden

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”  Pslam 23 :4-5

Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 8.  It is early this year so do remember those phone calls, or cards or candy, or flowers, or what ever is your tradition, sons and daughters.


Upcoming Events

NO USDA Report this week The Eads FSA Office  closed Monday, May 2nd -Thursday, May 5th.  The office reopen on Friday, May 6th.

May 6 Senior Community Carnival Plainview

Unity Lodge Annual Free Barbecue Saturday May 7 @ 6:30pm at the Kiowa County Fairgounds Community Building

May12  ALL SCHOOL Field Trip to Colo Springs-Plainview

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