Weather Outlook – Warming by Mid-Week

By Chris Sorensen

After a few weeks of cooler temperatures, rain, and even some late-season snow last Friday, temperatures will begin climbing to levels more like spring by the middle of the week.

First, a few more days of cooler temperatures start the week. Sunday’s high will be in the upper 40s with a chance of afternoon showers continuing into the evening. Look for north winds 15-25 miles per hour and an overnight low near freezing.

Monday and Tuesday’s highs will be in the mid-50s to mid-60s, with overnight lows in the 30s.


Make Water Safety a Priority This Summer

Summer fun in Colorado often involves some time cooling off in a local lake or swimming pool or boating on high mountain lakes and rivers. To help you and your family stay safe around bodies of water, follow these tips:

Water Safety Tips               

•                Practice the buddy system. When swimming make sure someone is available to assist you or go for help if an emergency does happen.


Flash Flood Safety

By NWS Staff

Only two years ago major flooding in September resulted from over eight inches of rain that fell over a large area from northern Jefferson County to the Wyoming border. This rain caused flash flooding in a number of creeks and rivers, causing considerable flash flooding. Runoff from area streams combined to cause major flooding along the South Platte River. Mitigation is still ongoing to repair flood damage along the streams and rivers in and near the foothills from Larimer County to El Paso County and along the tributaries to the South Platte River.


Photo of the Week

One of our most popular features from the past 15 years - a full-page color photo on the front of the Kiowa County Press showing various impressions of life in Kiowa County. While a limited number of copies continue to be printed and distributed each week at Kiowa Healthmart, COOP C-Store in Eads, Haswell Propane, and Thunderbird Petroleum, we wanted to bring this feature to our online readers as well.

Shown below - the front page of the April 29, 2016, Kiowa County Press - The grain elevator at Haswell. Photo by Jeanne Sorensen.


Colorado Parks Closing Shorelines at Blue Lake, John Martin

Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials are asking visitors to John Martin and Adobe Creek (Blue Lake) Reservoirs for help in protecting two rare shorebirds that nest in Colorado.

As in previous years, parks and wildlife managers will be closing access to some shoreline areas to protect the nests of Least Terns and Piping Plovers. The closures will run from early April through mid-August.


Understanding Severe Weather Watches and Warnings

By NWS Staff

When the National Weather Service sees the potential for severe weather, a stream of weather information flows from our forecast offices to you.

Each National Weather Service forecast office has a web site, a Facebook page, and a Twitter feed where you can find vital Information highlighting upcoming weather hazards. The hazardous weather outlook, a text product, highlights weather hazards seven days in advance.

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