Birthdays and Anniversaries

Birthdays and Anniversaries



March 28

Kolby Smalley

Robb Phipps

Mike Weeks

Bunnie Larrew

Bentley Cole Banion

Brian Sawyer

Skilar Hopkins


March 29

Jessica Quinones

Riley Rybacki

Destiny Cornelius

Jeff Jacobs

Kendra Banion

LeAnna Brown

Tammy Crow

Dr. Sean Oquist

March 30

Justin Johnson

Nadine Holter

Amanda DeGroot Askew

Cardon Brandt

Recorder's Notes - Election Information

By Delisa Weeks, Kiowa County Clerk and Recorder

2016 Election Alerts: 

How important is it to vote in the June 28, 2016 Primary Election?  Please be aware that Primary Elections are to select candidates to go on to the November General Election. 

Reminder:  There will “NOT” be presidential candidates on the Primary Election Ballot.  There will be state and local races on the Primary Ballot.


Banks Warn Customers About Text Message Scams

Bankers across Colorado are warning their customers to beware of a phishing scam that could compromise their personal information – and their finances.

Fraud departments at a handful of banks report of a number of customers receiving a text message to their cell phones, alerting them to alleged fraudulent activity and urging them to update their profile information with their bank, using a provided link.


Pages from the Past - From our 129 year archive.

15 yrs


March 23, 2001


FSA  is working on 3 different disaster programs at he the same time. There is the LAP for pasture losses, the CDP for insured, uninsured and non-insurable crops and the NAP for non-insurable crops


25 years


March 28, 1991


A lighting sparked fire charred 30 acres at the Jesse James Ranch. Volunteers from both Cheyenne and Kiowa counties responded to the fire, located near the county line.


A Day in the Life

By Michelle Wyckoff

Door knobs.  Something I take for granted in the grand scheme of things when it comes to running my household.  I have fourteen door knobs in my house and each one is 30 years old.  I never gave them a second thought or passing glance until I came home one day and one of them was gone.  That’s right, just... gone.   

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