Flooding can be a Major Problem in Colorado

(Second in a week-long series on flood and fire issues in Colorado. Sunday's article can be found here.)

Flooding is an issue across Colorado. As we saw in September 2013, heavy rain fell over a large area of the foothills resulting in flash flooding in the area.  All the water that fell ended up in the South Platte River, with major river flooding occurring from Greeley to the state line.


County Health Fair Set for Friday, Saturday

The annual Kiowa County Hospital District Health Fair is coming to the Eads Elementary School building this week.

Screenings will take place Friday and Saturday (March 25-26, 2016) from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. In addition, healthcare booths will present a variety of useful information to help you maintain your health.

Women’s panels are an affordable $36. Men’s panels, which include PSA screening, are $56. The ever-popular EKGs are again available, and blood pressure checks are free.


Weather Outlook – The Week Ahead

By Chris Sorensen

Today is the first day of spring, and Mother Nature is starting the season with a mix of weather for Kiowa County.

Temperatures continue a recovery from Friday’s cold and snow, reaching into the low 50s Sunday before approaching 80 Monday and Tuesday. Near seasonal temperatures in the mid-50s return for highs Wednesday through Saturday, with overnight lows in the 20s most of the week. Friday will be slightly warmer in a high in the low 60s.


Colorado Flood Safety and Wildfire Awareness Week

The National Weather Service wants everyone in the United States to be part of a Weather-Ready Nation.  Colorado has more than its fair share of floods, flash floods, and wildfires.  You should be weather alert and weather ready, knowing how to stay safe when floods and wildfires affect your area.

Governor Hickenlooper has proclaimed this week, March 20-26, as Colorado Flood Safety and Wildfire Awareness Week. Now is the time to learn about flood and wildfire risks in Colorado, and to develop your plans to improve your outcome.


Home Country

Slim Randles

It happened just the other day for the first time since … Halloween? Yeah, around then.

Sun. Yes, the sun came out and put the tiniest tickle of warmth right there on the back of the neck, and that flipped the switch into springtime and left us dreaming of tire swings on Lewis Creek, casting stonefly nymphs to tempt a rainbow trout,  planting things that will one day give shade to us and others. We even look forward to mowing the lawn! Well, the first mowing, anyway.

After that, it becomes a chore.


Photo of the Week

One of our most popular features from the past 15 years - a full-page color photo on the front of the Kiowa County Press showing various impressions of life in Kiowa County. While a limited number of copies continue to be printed and distributed each week at Kiowa Healthmart and the COOP C-Store in Eads, we wanted to bring this feature to our online readers as well.

Shown below - the front page of the March 18, 2016, Kiowa County Press - Great Plains Reservoirs south of Eads. Photo by Jeanne Sorensen.


Pages from the Past - From our 129 year archive.

15 yrs

March 23, 2001

Livestock, Pasture & Range Report: Calving at 50% complete, is above both last year the 5 year average. Lambing  jumped 20% and it now 39% complete above  last year by 4% and the 5 year 1 percent.

25 years

March 21, 1991

A pile of human bones were discovered in Kiowa County last weekend by an arrowhead collector.. Roots had grown down into the grave. Under sheriff, Joe Pettie said bones could have been there 20 years or more.

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