Weather Outlook – the Week Ahead

Starting the week with fire weather alerts has been the rule for March, and this week appears to be no different despite our hopes in Friday’s report.

Monday’s fire weather potential will be more localized, and mainly be a possibility in the eastern portion of the forecast area, which could include Kiowa County. Tuesday’s potential is more wide-spread, over a longer period of the day. The National Weather Service is monitoring closely and will be issuing fire weather highlights as needed over the coming days.


Car and Booster Seat Safety

“Correctly used child safety seats can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71 percent,” states the SafeKids WorldWide website.  You just need to know the details and limits of each. Need help?T here are a number of nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians around Colorado and the country to help you. You can find one nearest you by going to and clicking on the “for parents” tab on the left.


Photo of the Week

One of our most popular features from the past 15 years - a full-page color photo on the front of the Kiowa County Press showing various impressions of life in Kiowa County. While a limited number of copies continue to be printed and distributed each week at Kiowa Healthmart and the COOP C-Store in Eads, we wanted to bring this feature to our online readers as well.

Shown below - the front page of the March 25, 2016, Kiowa County Press - Ice forming on tumble weeds. Photo by Jeanne Sorensen.


Letter to the Editor

My name is Mariah Osienger and I am a student at  Anselmo-Merna School.  Our third grade class is researching states for our States Fair project.  Each of my classmates has picked a state and I have chosen Colorado.  I want to learn everything I can about your great state!  I would appreciate any help you can give me.

If you could send a letter or a package of rocks or soil samples, special crops or products, postcards, pictures of important landmarks, pamphlets, brochures, or small souvenirs, it would really be helpful.


Colorado Flood Safety and Wildfire Awareness Week Wrap Up

(Seventh and final article in a week-long series on flood and fire issues in Colorado. Friday's article can be found here.)

Colorado has more than its fair share of floods, flash floods, and wildfires. During the past week, in our effort to build a Weather-Ready Nation, we have presented information to you on how to stay safe and minimize property damage during flood and wildfire threats.


Search for Lamar Community College President Opens

The national search for a president of Lamar Community College (LCC) has begun, announced Dr. Nancy McCallin, president of the Colorado Community College System (CCCS).  The search is necessary to replace John Marrin, who is retiring, after eight years at the helm of LCC. 

"We are excited to start the search," McCallin said. "The position is being widely advertised in both local and national media sources. This is a first-rate college that is known for offering students greater value and personal attention.”


Sign-ups for T-Ball, Softball and Baseball Next Week


Eads Summer Ball will have sign ups for T-Ball, Baseball, and Softball on Wednesday March 30th and Thursday March 31st from 4:00-6:00 in the high school hallway.  Players must be 4 years old to play t-ball and we will also need a copy of their birth certificate if it is their first year playing ball.  Any questions,please contact Monica Uhland 691-9775.  If possible, please fill out forms that are attached and bring them to sign ups.

Monica Uhland

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