Weekend Weather Outlook

For the optimist looking for precipitation in Kiowa County this weekend, there is hope in the forecast for Friday night and Saturday – though in very slim amounts.

There is a 20 percent chance of rain after 2:00 p.m. Friday (March 25, 2016), turning to a 30% chance of a rain/snow mix overnight. Less than 0.10 inch is expected.

Saturday brings a 50 percent chance of a rain/snow mix, with less than one-half inch of snow accumulation expected. Precipitation chances drop back to 20 percent Saturday night, and are non-existent for the next several days after that.


LCC President Marrin Announces Retirement

John Marrin, Lamar Community College’s president for the past eight years, has recently announced his decision to retire. 

Marrin said that leaving is bittersweet and that he will miss the LCC family, but having spent 40 years in higher education he thought it was time to retire.  He made this decision after careful consideration, confident that the college is in great condition.


Southeast Colorado Slips into Drought

Following a rapid expansion of abnormally dry conditions across the southeast quarter of Colorado in March, moderate drought is now impacting most of Baca County and the southern half of Prowers County. A small sliver of southeast Bent County has also entered moderate drought.

Over 28 percent of Colorado is considered abnormally dry – similar to one week ago – however an additional three percent of the state has entered the lowest level of drought, resulting in an overall expansion of the impacted area.


Wildfire Safety and Mitigation

(Sixth in a week-long series on flood and fire issues in Colorado. Thursday's article can be found here.)

During this Colorado Flood Safety and Wildfire Awareness Week we have discussed floods, flash floods, and how to stay safe when flooding threatens.  We also told you that areas burned by wildfires are highly susceptible to flash floods within the first two or three years after the wildfire.


Notice of Cancellation



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Town of Eads, Kiowa County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the nineteenth day before the election, there were not more candidates than offices to be filled at such election, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on April 5, 2016 is hereby cancelled pursuant to Article 31-10-507, C.R.S.


The following candidates are hereby declared elected:



Notice to Creditors

Notice to Creditors by Publication Pursuant to §15-12-801, C.R.S.

Notice to Creditors


Estate of MARY ANN HULTEEN, Deceased.


Case Number 2016PR30002


All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Kiowa County, Colorado on or before August 1, 2016, or the claims may be forever barred.


Christina M. Adamson

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