Engagement - Splitter-Koester

Mark and Ruth Splitter wish to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter Hannah to Garet Koester, son of Roger and Tricia Koester.

The wedding is being planned for August 6, 2016 in Sterling KS.

The couple will make their home in Concordia, KS where Hannah will be teaching 2nd grade in the Concordia Elementary School and Garet will be farming.

Hannah is the Granddaughter of Eugene and Judy Splitter of Sheridan Lake CO.


Congratulations to Bryan Williams on his Retirement from the Colorado State Patrol

Colorado State Patrol (CSP) Trooper Bryan Williams has been with the Patrol for 23 years, with the past 15 served in a four-county area in southeast Colorado.

Williams said he always wanted to be in some type of law enforcement or in the military.  Before joining CSP he served in the Marines six years, three years as active duty, then three as a reserve.

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