Colorado Lightning Safety Awareness Week June 19-25

“When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!”

Given that a half million lightning flashes strike the ground in Colorado each year, and that more people are killed and injured by lightning than any other weather hazard, Governor John Hickenlooper has declared the week of June 19 through June 25 as Colorado Lightning Safety Awareness Week.

Lightning in Colorado is most common in the summer months, but can be a hazard throughout the year. And although nearly all lightning victims are struck outdoors, lightning can pose a threat to those indoors as well.


Seat Belt Enforcement Cites 5,983 Drivers

295 Citations for Unrestrained Children Under Age 15

From May 23 to June 5, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) combined efforts with the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) and local law agencies for the May Mobilization Click It or Ticket enforcement period. The campaign resulted in 5,983 seat belt citations, which included 295 citations for unrestrained or improperly restrained children under the age of 15.


USDA Update

USDA Update

By Eads USDA Service Center


•                CCC-633EZ – Loan Deficiency Payment (LDP) agreement and request – MUST BE SIGNED AND ON FILE WITH FSA OFFICE BEFORE HARVEST.  

•                2nd Tuesday each month - Farm Loan personnel in Kiowa County FSA Office. 


Photo of the Week

One of our most popular features from the past 15 years - a full-page color photo on the front of the Kiowa County Press showing various impressions of life in Kiowa County. While a limited number of copies continue to be printed and distributed each week at Kiowa Healthmart, COOP C-Store in Eads, Haswell Propane, and Thunderbird Petroleum, we wanted to bring this feature to our online readers as well.

Shown below - the front page of the June 17, 2016, Kiowa County Press - bird of prey riding air currents. Photo by Jeanne Sorensen.


Pages from the Past - From our 129 year archive

15 Years Ago


June 22, 2001


Capitol Review by State Senator Mark Hillman: Government rarely solves problems. Instead, government simply replaces old problems with new problems.


25 Years Ago


June 20, 1991


The Eads Museum Needs: Comfortable reclining chair; two 1inch casters for old kitchen table; old pictures of people, identified if possible; picture frames any size; pegboard hooks any size; volunteers and 40 visitors per day


Kiowa County Commissioners Minutes - May 26

The Regular meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order on May 26, 2016; at 9:10 a.m. by Chairman Richard Scott. Scott opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were:


Richard Scott, Chairman of the Board

Cindy McLoud, Commissioner

Donald Oswald, Commissioner

Delisa Weeks, County Clerk

Tina Adamson, County Administrator

Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to accept the minutes as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

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