Hickenlooper Orders Flags Lowered in Honor of Florida Shooting Victims

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has ordered flags be lowered to half-staff immediately to honor the victims of the attacks in Orlando, Florida, and as proclaimed by President Barack Obama. Flags should be raised on Thursday, June 16 at sunset.

The full text of the president’s proclamation:



Office of the Press Secretary


Weather Outlook – the Week Ahead: Tornadoes, Large Hail Monday

By Chris Sorensen

UPDATE: The chance of thunderstorms for Sunday afternoon has been increased to 40 percent, and further increases to 50 percent for the late evening up to midnight.

With the official start of summer just over a week away, temperatures mainly in the 90s will close out spring for southern Colorado.

A chance of thunderstorms returns to southeast Colorado Sunday as a front moves into the area, and ramps up to a potential for severe storms Monday into the evening.


Create a Pet Preparedness Disaster Plan

Colorado has had its share of natural disasters.  In trying to become better prepared, you may discuss and create plans for yourselves and family, but there is one family member who is often overlooked – your pet.  One of the reasons people are most likely to return to danger zones is to save their pets.  Do you have a disaster plan in place for your pet(s)?  They depend on us for their safety, and being prepared can make all the difference in a life threatening situation. Check out the pet preparedness tips below:


Home Country

By Slim Randles

Our day is filled with heat at this time of year. It commands our attention and makes our work harder. As we toil, we daydream not about love or success, but things as mundane as shade and a cool drink.

But though the oppressive heat weighs on our brains and taxes our bodies, it is the price we pay for being allowed to spend time outdoors … and it has its one singular consolation: our summer evenings.

When the sun goes down in summer, it’s romantic enough to hug a cactus.

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