Doctor-Administered Physical Required for Preschool Students

Parents planning to have their preschool-aged children attend Eads Elementary School preschool program this fall will need to submit information from a doctor-administered physical examination. An examination should be scheduled as soon as possible.

Preschool registration requires a physical form completed by a doctor, copy of the child’s birth certificate, and a copy of the child’s immunization records.

Eads School registration is set for Tuesday, August 2, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Eads High School Multi-purpose Room.


Card of Thanks

We wish to thank the following people for coming to our aid when lightning struck our pasture on July 17, north of Chivington, burning not our our land, but other grassland, too.

Rural Fire Departments from Eads, Bent County, Kit Carson, Cheyenne Wells, Sheridan Lake, Prowers County, and the City of Lamar. Also Kiowa County Employees, our families, friends and neighbors, Jerry Weber Water, Scherler Farms and Tallman farms for bring truck loads of water.

We are thankful that no structures or cattle were burned and no injuries.

We are deeply grateful for all your help.


Weekend Weather Outlook: Thunderstorm Chances Continue

By Chris Sorensen

Moisture continues to flow in the area, allowing for chances of afternoon and evening thunderstorms to develop over the area, which will continue into the middle of the week.

Saturday’s high temperature will be in the lower 90s before a warm up to the mid-90s lasting through Wednesday. Lower 90s will return Thursday before mid-80s are expected to arrive Friday. Overnight temperatures will be in the low to mid-60s over the weekend and throughout the week.


USDA Update

By Eads USDA Service Center Staff


  • CCC-633EZ Page 1 – Loan Deficiency Payment (LDP) agreement and request – MUST BE SIGNED AND ON FILE WITH FSA OFFICE BEFORE SELLING THE GRAIN.  
  • COC meeting -  August 9th
  • 2nd Tuesday each month - Farm Loan personnel in Kiowa County FSA Office. 
  • CRP GRASSLANDS SIGNUP - No date announced for deadline.



Kiowa County Commissioners July 14 Meeting Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order by Chairman, Richard Scott at 9:06 a.m. on July 14, 2016. Commissioner Oswald opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were:

Richard Scott, Chairman of the Board Cindy  McLoud,  Commissioner Donald  Oswald, Commissioner

Delisa Weeks, County Clerk

Tina Adamson, County Administrator


Obituary – Stephen F. Young

Stephen (Steve) F.  Young, 65, passed away peacefully at the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit in Eads, Co. on Friday, July 22, 2016.   Cancer took his life.

Steve made his home in Eads for years. He was a fun loving, gentle man with a good heart who enjoyed his private life but still had time for friends who would meet him around town.

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